Entries by admin

3-kuuline jõutõstekava

🔹 3-KUULINE JÕUTÕSTEKAVA  🔹 Eesmärk: Maksimaalse jõu arendamine, progressiivne ülekoormus Treeningkordade arv: 4 korda nädalas 🔹 Soojendus enne igat trenni (10 min): ✔ Rullimine (jalad, selg, rind) ✔ Dünaamilised venitused, hüpped, liikuvusharjutused 1.–4. NÄDAL – BAASJÕUD JA MAHT 🔹 Päev 1 – Kükk & tõmbed Kükk – 5×5 @ 75% 1RM Esikükk – 4×6 Rumeenia […]

HC GYM announces: “The Biggest Transformation” competition and inspiring results!

HC GYM is renowned for its high-quality HC PRO, MedX, Nautilus, and Technogym equipment. Our gyms have helped countless clients begin their fitness journeys from a beginner level and reach competition standards. Some of our top athletes have even become world champions in Fitness and Powerlifting! “The Biggest Transformation” – an inspiring competition for HC […]

Where else can you feel as at home as you do at HC GYM?

Imagine walking into a gym and being greeted with a genuine smile. A place where you can enjoy a refreshing coffee or espresso before your workout and chat with like-minded people who are just as motivated and friendly as you are. HC GYM is more than just a gym – it’s a place where you’re […]

What is the best way for adults to gain and maintain more muscle mass?

For adults looking to gain and maintain muscle mass, a combination of resistance training, proper nutrition, and adequate recovery is key. Here’s a more detailed approach: 1. Resistance Training: Consistency: Engage in strength training exercises 2-4 times a week. Consistency is crucial for muscle growth and maintenance. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight, reps, or […]

Tasuta treeningkava algajatele täiskasvanud naistele ja meestele.

See tasuta trennikava on mõeldud üldise tugevuse ja lihasmassi suurendamiseks ning sobib hästi neile, kes pole varem jõusaalis regulaarselt treeninud. Märkus: Enne treeningprogrammi alustamist soovitan tungivalt konsulteerida treeneri või tervishoiuspetsialistiga, et veenduda, et see sobib teie individuaalsete vajaduste ja füüsilise seisundiga. Nädal 1-4: Treening 3 korda nädalas (nt esmaspäev, kolmapäev, reede) Päev 1: Ülakeha treening […]

Jõusaali treeningkava keskealistele ja vanematele algajatele.

The training program is aimed at general health and well-being and takes into account age-related aspects and limitations. Note: Before beginning any exercise program, I strongly recommend that you consult with a trainer or health professional to ensure that it is appropriate for your individual needs and physical condition. Week 1-4: Training 3 times a […]

Which sport supplements are the most useful for beginners in the gym?

Below are some sport supplements that are good for beginners, ranked by their potential benefits and value for money: 1. Protein powder: Protein powder can help ensure adequate protein intake, which is important for muscle building and recovery after exercise. This can be a convenient option especially if it is difficult to get enough protein […]

A Gym training plan for beginners aged 16-19

A Gym training plan for beginners aged 16-19   A gym training program for beginners aged 16 to 19 who want to see visible changes in their appearance. It is important to start with lighter weights and gradually increase the load and complexity to avoid injury and ensure progress.   Note: Before starting an exercise […]

Milline treeningukava annab parimad tulemused jõusaalis treenivatele alla 35-aastastele ja üle 50-aastastele inimestele?

A training plan for best results depends largely on individual goals, fitness and health status. However, we can provide general recommendations that could be useful for both age groups. Under 35 years of age: Physical versatility: Combine strength training, cardio training and flexibility training. Strength training: Do a variety of large muscle group exercises such […]