HC GYM Kohtla-Järve, Järveküla tee 60
Mon-Fri 07.00-22.00 Sat-Sun 09.00-21.00
Modern HC GYM Fitness Club in Kohtla-Järve – Your New Training Home!
Welcome to HC GYM Kohtla-Järve, where modern equipment and a motivating environment come together to help you achieve your fitness goals. Located at Järveküla tee 60, our spacious gym with 350 m² of training area offers everything you need for effective and enjoyable workouts – whether you’re burning fat, building muscle, or simply improving your overall well-being.
State-of-the-Art Equipment for Maximum Results
At HC GYM Kohtla-Järve, you’ll find brand-new cardio machines and top-quality HC Pro strength training equipment, designed for both beginners and experienced fitness enthusiasts. These tools ensure you have everything necessary for safe and efficient workouts.
All Essentials Available On-Site – At Great Prices!
What could be better than energizing yourself with a pre-workout booster before your session or refreshing with a recovery drink afterward? At our gym, you can conveniently purchase these essentials on-site. Additionally, we offer a wide range of supplements at online prices, giving you everything you need to support your training and enhance your results.
Train Flexibly – No Long-Term Commitments
Unlike many gyms, we don’t lock you into long-term contracts. At HC GYM Kohtla-Järve, you can work out with an affordable single-session fee, allowing you the freedom to train whenever it suits you best.
A Community That Supports Your Goals
HC GYM isn’t just a fitness club – it’s a place where you’ll meet people who share your interests and goals. Training alongside friendly, motivated individuals makes achieving results easier and much more enjoyable.
Forget about “cold” and impersonal automated gyms. At HC GYM Kohtla-Järve, you’ll feel welcome and supported – like you’re working out with family.
Start Today!
Don’t put off your goals any longer – begin your journey to better fitness and well-being at HC GYM Kohtla-Järve. With a convenient location, modern equipment, and a supportive atmosphere, everything you need is right here.
Welcome to HC GYM – your new fitness home in Kohtla-Järve!
Morning ticket 07.00-15.00 3.50 euros
In the evening 15.01-23.00 4 euros
Youth 14-20/Pension ticket 2.50 euros
Contestant’s discount 30 days 25 euros
Monthly card 30 days 45 euros
Monthly card 90 days 119 euros
Youth/Pension Monthly Card 23.00 euros
Annual card 360 euros
6 Monthly card 200 euros
Entrance 07-23 with ISIC student card: 2.50 EUR
30-day pass with ISIC student card: 25 EUR
Joining – FREE
The state-of-the-art HC GYM gym in Kohtla-Järve! The address is Järveküla tee 60, the total area of the gym is 350 m2.
New cardio equipment and HC Pro gym equipment. Possibility to buy training boosters and recovery drinks on site as well
all food supplements also online prices with you.
NOTE! Children under the age of 14 can only use the gym with a parent.
+372 58551446
E-R 07.00-22.00
L-P 09.00-21.00
Kaasaegne HC GYM jõusaal Kohtla-Järvel – Sinu treeningute uus kodu!
Tere tulemast HC GYM Kohtla-Järvele, kus uusimad seadmed ja motiveeriv keskkond aitavad sul jõuda oma eesmärkideni. Meie jõusaal asub Järveküla tee 60 ja pakub kõike, mida vajad tõhusaks ja nauditavaks treeninguks. 350 m² üldpinda annab piisavalt ruumi igasuguseks treeninguks, olgu see rasvapõletus, lihasmassi kasvatamine või lihtsalt hea enesetunde saavutamine.
Kaasaegsed seadmed parimaks treeningkogemuseks
HC GYM Kohtla-Järvel ootavad sind uued kardioseadmed ja tipptasemel HC Pro jõusaali seadmed, mis on loodud nii algajatele kui ka kogenud treenijatele. Need seadmed pakuvad kõike, mida vajad, et teha tõhusaid ja turvalisi treeninguid.
Kõik vajalik kohapeal – ja soodsalt!
Mis võiks olla parem, kui enne trenni turgutada end energiat andva trennibuusteriga ja pärast treeningut taastuda värske taastusjoogiga, mida saad mugavalt kohapealt osta? Lisaks leiad meie klubist ka kõik vajalikud toidulisandid interneti hindadega, et sinu treeninguid toetada ja tulemusi kiirendada.
Treeni paindlikult ja ilma kohustusteta
Meie juures ei pea sa siduma end pikaajalise lepinguga. HC GYM Kohtla-Järvel saad treenida soodsa ühekordse tasu eest, mis annab sulle täieliku vabaduse tulla trenni siis, kui see sulle sobib.
Kogukond, mis aitab sul eesmärke saavutada
HC GYM pole lihtsalt jõusaal – see on koht, kus kohtad inimesi, kes jagavad sinu huvisid ja eesmärke. Treenimine koos sõbralike ja motiveeritud inimestega muudab tulemuste saavutamise lihtsamaks ja palju nauditavamaks.
Unusta “külmad” ja üksildased automaatsed jõusaalid. HC GYM Kohtla-Järvel tunned end alati teretulnuna ja toetatuna – justkui treeniksid oma teise perega.
Alusta juba täna!
Ära lükka oma eesmärke edasi – tule ja alusta teekonda parema enesetunde ja vormi poole HC GYM Kohtla-Järvel. Mugav asukoht, kaasaegsed seadmed ja toetav atmosfäär ootavad sind.
Tere tulemast HC GYM-i – sinu uus treeningkodu Kohtla-Järvel!
Now you can conveniently purchase our sports club services through Stebby – single visits, packages, and personal training sessions are available.